RightCause Consulting


Whether your organization is looking to establish brand citizenship, encourage employee engagement, or improve market reach, RightCause is here to help.

RightCause consultants guide your business along a path to purpose. We start by determining which core attributes and motivators inspire your company's culture, decisions, and growth. Together, we activate your company's purpose in a way that authentically embodies brand values, resonates with key stakeholders, and engages target audiences. RightCause then develops a meaningful marketing campaign through cross-sector partnerships in your community.

Mike DiCicco, CEO of DDCworks, highlights his experience working with the founder of RightCause, Katie Wright.


Building a viable and sustainable business by aligning social equity, natural capital and economic value.


Establishing good standing with customers, employees and stakeholders with authentic brand citizenship.


Growing businesses and communities through collaborative, scalable, cause-aligned efforts.



The following descriptions detail our staged service platform and deliverables. Our three stage process is designed to holistically meet your company's cause marketing needs. Therefore, RightCause offers services based on clients' prerequisite stages: Procedure services (Stage 2) are only made available after the completion of Discovery (Stage 1), while Guidance services (Stage 3) are only made available after the completion of Stages 1 and 2.


stAGE 1: Discovery

To make your marketing matter, we start with purpose. RightCause offers unique outside perspective to guide your business in becoming a purpose-driven entity. 

We start with the Discovery stage. A RightCause consultant will conduct a comprehensive company assessment to evaluate the current, or desired, business purpose and identify any purpose-driven outreach or marketing needs. Consultations are needed with key company stakeholders, including members of management and staff, to be analyzed and considered for campaign strategy.

The Discovery stage ends with a formal synopsis and summary meeting to present the business purpose and cause campaign proposals.


Stage 2: procedure

After Discovery results and campaign type(s) are reviewed and approved by key stakeholders, we work to find the right-fit cause, nonprofit organization(s), and service partners for your organization.

RightCause develops a custom procedure manual and suggested timeline for the decided cause campaign and right-fit partnerships. The procedure manual serves as a comprehensive guide for project execution – from suggested order of operations, to instructions for applicable compliance policies. RightCause uniquely offers the navigation of internal and external regulatory procedures to make the most of your project's time and budget.

In addition to the procedure manual, you are provided with a custom Cause Console™. The console is a master planning tool complete with suggested timeline, a vetted partnership pipeline and project management templates.

(Note: stage 1 Prerequisite)


Stage 3: Guidance

The RightCause procedure manual and Cause Console™ are comprehensive resources that provide turnkey campaign execution. However, further assistance is made available through the following services:

  • Continued Education: Additional cause-related education resources include subscription to the RightCause Newsletter (highlights industry developments, current events, and strategy tips), and educational seminars for staff/corporate partners.

  • Consultation: Assistance in strategy implementation, campaign growth, website development or social media promotions.
  • Partnership Expansion: Research on prospective partnerships beyond those listed in the Cause Console™ Partnership Pipeline.

(Note: stage 2 prequisite)